Man Is Not Last week, I wrote about how judges must be careful to neither justify the wicked nor wrongly accuse the righteous. To continue that topic today, I’ll be discussing where those who do seek after justice should ultimately not trust in the wisdom of men, but only in God, to deliver that justice….
Narrow Justice
Abomination As God instructs Israel in how they would live, he often spoke to them of things which “ought not to be done”. However, sometimes he would inform them of something particularly abominable to him that they absolutely were to understand he would not tolerate. This post will be reviewing one such case found in…
Wicked Compliance
The False Teachers In Paul’s letter to the Galatians, he dealt with Judiazers who had crept into the church and were insisting that Christians must follow all ceremonial requirements of the Levitical order to be saved. Gentile Christians were being told they must perform the rites of circumcision, observe the dietary restrictions, and practice all…
Ignore Insults
Prudent Indifference Usually, an attitude of indifference will get you in a lot of trouble in the long run. Ignore problems with your car and you may find yourself broke down on the side of the road with far more costly repairs on the way. Ignore work that you need to get done and the…
Masculine Love
Strength Is Needed When people feel relatively safe and comfortable, it can be easy to fail to appreciate the value of strength. Given enough time those who are weak begin to see strength as a threat. Women view masculinity as wrong. Weak men view strong men as dangerous. The strong are villainized even when doing…
Persistent Few
Unrighteous Judge In Luke 18, we have a recording of Jesus telling a parable. In this parable, there is a crooked judge who doesn’t value justice at all. However, through the persistent badgering of a widow who was wronged, he was convinced to give her justice anyway. Not because he cared about doing well, but…
Never Satisfied
Jesus and John John came to prepare the way for the Christ. His mission was to prepare people to understand their need to be washed of their sins and become a new creation. This is why John was known as the Baptizer. His object lesson of the spiritual renewal that Jesus would bring was central…
Knowing the Heart
God Judges Israel There are many instances in scripture where those God appointed to lead God’s people question God and are punished severely. However, today we’re going to look at an example of God’s longsuffering through a lot of skepticism and hope to draw out the reason this was not challenged like the others. The…
Knowledge Of Righteousness
Zeal Isn’t Enough While a person must know very little in the way of Bible trivia to have a saving faith in Christ, it is possible to have a great deal of faith in something that does not save as well. Paul found himself in just such a situation when trying to reach the Jewish…
Don’t Use God
All That Power! In Acts 19, we see God doing miraculous things through Paul. And God was doing extraordinary miracles by the hands of Paul, so that even handkerchiefs or aprons that had touched his skin were carried away to the sick, and their diseases left them and the evil spirits came out of them. Acts 19:11-12 God’s…