The Unknown God The Apostle Paul went to Athens to proclaim Christ. Knowing that the people of Athens would gather at the Areopagus (a prominent hill in the city) to discuss philosophy and theology, he knew he would find an audience there. Along the way, he witnessed many objects of the Athenians religious devotions, but…
Growing Spirit of Lawlessness
End Times Man In another post, I covered how the spirit of lawlessness/antichrist has been at work in the world since the early church and how the church has always considered themselves in the “end times” between the ministry of Christ to redeem his people and his return to reign over all of creation. Paul,…
The World’s Injustice
Godless Law Many now believe that “justice” is a matter of equity or majority opinion. However, God actually defines both as a perversion of justice explicitly. You shall not fall in with the many to do evil, nor shall you bear witness in a lawsuit, siding with the many, so as to pervert justice, nor shall…
Ravenous Wolves
False Prophets Shortly after the often misunderstood “judge not” verse (which I discuss in more depth here) Jesus gives this warning: “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? So, every healthy tree bears good fruit,…
Willful Ignorance
God Is Obvious It is common to hear unbelievers insisting that they reject the truth because it has not be made obvious to them. Without the revelation of God through prophetic messages as recorded in scripture, there are many things we cannot know about him. However, nature itself reveals some basic truths about God as…
Empty Praise
Rejected Sacrifices Psalm 50 expresses how God does not honor the offerings of those who do not seek to honor God first. Hear, O my people, and I will speak; O Israel, I will testify against you. I am God, your God.Not for your sacrifices do I rebuke you; your burnt offerings are continually before me. Psalm 50:7-8 It…
God Knows Your Pain
He Always Cares King David suffered many things during his lifetime. He had been betrayed by his wife, the king he served, friends, and even his own son. He spent time living in the wilderness on the run. He experienced the horrors of war, sometimes against seemingly impossible odds. Through all of these things, God…
Pious Platitudes
Job’s Suffering While reading the book of Job, it can be hard to fully comprehend the loss God allowed in order to prove the faith of a godly man. Job was a man blessed in many ways. He had many flocks of animals and servants to care for them. His children, despite having moved into…
Education Alone Won’t Stop Sin
Solomon’s Wisdom The fame of King Solomon has survived to today. Among the kings of Israel, his fame is perhaps only rivaled by his father, King David. His wisdom is so well known that even the occult has adopted the name of Solomon in their symbolism. Where did this famous wisdom come from? It was…
Dead Faith
Luther’s Trouble Martin Luther was a man who followed ideas, even uncomfortable ones, to their logical conclusion. As he learned of the many doctrines of the Roman Catholic tradition, he was introduced to a God who’s nature was perfect and who insisted upon perfection in eternity. This same God was also gracious, willing to forgive…