The inspiration for the name of this blog is a common refrain from the Old Testament, but also imagery that can be found in parables like the one in Luke 13. It’s the image of the “straight and narrow” path of following God’s commands. The warning is that, to turn either to the right or…
Stupidity of Pragmatism
Decision Making When we’re confronted with choices in life, how do we navigate them? There’s nothing wrong with considering possible consequences of our choices and weighing them. We can create our “pros and cons” lists and do risk assessments. However, that’s only part of the equation, and it should be the smaller part! Trust in…
Job’s Redemption
Growing up in the church, I was taught a lot of concepts about God that I have later come to realize simply are not true. One such teaching is the idea of multiple plans for redemption through history. A summary of this idea would go something like this: Adam and Eve were in perfect relationship…
Itching Ears
In the second letter Paul writes to Timothy, we see him warning of a time when people will go looking for lies. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening…
Righteous Strikes
Open to Correction Confrontation is never comfortable. It can be especially unpleasant when that confrontation rubs up against our egos. Yet we find David both admitting the good and asking that he both receive it and accept it well. Let a righteous man strike me—it is a kindness; let him rebuke me—it is oil for…
Comfort Makes Cruel
Job is a book that records the life of a man who has been turned upside down. Satan has been given permission to afflict him in nearly every way in an attempt to prove he is only faithful to God because of the blessings he had received. In the midst of this suffering, as he…
Delayed Justice
Famous Wicked In reflecting upon the way of the world, Solomon observed an injustice. Then I saw the wicked buried. They used to go in and out of the holy place and were praised in the city where they had done such things. This also is vanity. Ecclesiastes 8:10 He starts with their end at the beginning. Finally,…
Family By Faith
Feed His Sheep In the 1960s, the Beetles released a song about how all the world really needed was love. That statement is true! God is love, and all the world needs is God, with himself as the perfect standard. He created the world, he sustains the world, and he has offered the world perfect…
A Just Society
To Love Justice What many now call “moralistic therapeutic deism”, or the belief that all religions are basically the same, teach that people should be nice, that God exists primarily to bail you out of bad situations, and that everyone goes to a peaceful afterlife, has been the dominant religion in the US for generations….
Selfish Righteousness
Dirty Water Listen to a decent sample of sermons, all from men who agree with the standard confessions, and you will still find a lot of them advocating for a faith that is entirely personal. In our homes and maybe even congregations, we should live as best we can according to God’s principles. We should…