Not a Martyr The church has put a lot of effort into teaching about how Christ died on our behalf. This is an integral part of God’s redemptive plan for his people, so we should! However, one of the ways to error is to overemphasis one truth to the neglect of others. To that end,…
Category: Uncategorized
Natural Longing
Why Suffering? People often ask the question of why bad things happen if God is who we claim he is. If he’s all knowing, he knows the consequences of everything he does. If he’s all powerful, there’s no limit to what he could do. If he’s loving, shouldn’t that mean there should, at the very…
Hearts Far From God
Defiled Hands Cleanliness was an important part of the Jewish culture in the time of the apostles. Because of the concept of ceremonial cleanliness, the idea that things could make one unclean weighed on them. It was important for them to cleanse themselves and prepare in order to worship God properly. God had given specific…
The Power of Leaven
The Object Lesson The first command God gave regarding leaven is found during the exodus of Israel out of Egypt. God instructed his people to eat bread without leaven in the Passover feast as a memorial of the first Passover, which was eaten quickly in preparation for them leaving Egypt. Seven days you shall eat…
Make Much Of Them
Finding Freedom The Galatians were a people Paul had come to after suffering injury. He ministered to them in their need while they, in turn, cared for his. Brothers, I entreat you, become as I am, for I also have become as you are. You did me no wrong. You know it was because of a bodily ailment that…
Wielding Tools of Men
How To Honor God Throughout the early chapters of Exodus, we see how God used Moses to set free his captive people. As plague after plague afflicted Egypt as witness against a hard-hearted Pharaoh who thought God of less authority than himself, Moses repeatedly demands that Israel be released to worship their God. After finally…
Have They Not Heard?
They Must Hear If you’ve spent any significant amount of time listening to sermons, you’ve doubtlessly heard the following verses preached. How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how…
God Hates Divorce
Man’s Standards Harm The church today is full of all sorts of ideas about marriage and divorce. They range all the way from “well, if he was being emotionally abusive it’s fine” to “it doesn’t matter how many woman he’s had on the side, you’re stuck with him” and all sorts of different notions. We…
Murderous Cowardice
Priests Wanted Peace There were many motives involved in the wrongful conviction of Jesus. Throughout the whole process which leads to the execution of the only completely innocent man to ever be killed, we find that fear was driving everyone to kill him. What is it the priests feared? Many claim they feared only to…
Generational Punishment
Iniquity of the Fathers While it may not be presented in the same language as what is found in God’s word, there is a lot of discussion today around the idea of generational guilt. There are those who believe this concept can be found in scripture. For instance, in a verse like this: The Lord passed before…