Most people understand that prayer is an important aspect of Christian life. Jesus, during his ministry to the disciples who would be the foundation of his church, didn’t leave them without instruction on this important practice. We find such instruction in Matthew 6. Not for Others Before providing an example of prayer, Jesus knew it…
Category: Uncategorized
Do Not Abuse Patience
Flood Witness Uniformitarianism as a scientific paradigm became popular in the 18th century. However, it has been the worldview of scoffers from time immemorial. They will say, “Where is the promise of his coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things are continuing as they were from the beginning of creation.” 2 Peter 3:4…
Unworthy World
Hall of Faith Many modern commentators and teachers refer to the eleventh chapter of Hebrews as the “Hall of Faith”. Like a typical Hall of Fame, this chapter lists the names of many of the “greats” of the faith. It lists of people of God who remained faithful to God in spite of adversity. These…
What Is In Man
Jesus’s Ministry Begins John 2 begins with the record of the first of Jesus’s signs. This, the first of his signs, Jesus did at Cana in Galilee, and manifested his glory. And his disciples believed in him. John 2:11 He was at a wedding and they had run out of wine. Being pressed by his mother to…
Active Love
Only in Word If you listen to people talk today, Christianity has been perfected. It seems like everyone is talking about love and often as if it is the ultimate good! We’re also regularly reminded that God is love. Therefore, everyone believes God to be the foremost good and the most important priority in a…
Men Of Lawlessness
The Antichrist Of Hollywood When a person hears “antichrist” they may draw to mind any number of pop-culture images, from slick men in suits to babies born by dark rituals. Many believe that the name itself means there will be a man who in every way is “like” Christ but somehow opposite. Some expect this…
Don’t Split The Baby!
Solomon was asked by God how he wished to be blessed. He could have asked for wealth, power, long life, or any number of other things that humans desire. Instead, he sought the wisdom to rule God’s people well. This response pleased God and he gave Solomon wisdom superior to any other ruler as well…
Wicked Scepter
I have previously written about wicked rulers here, and how they are a judgement from God. However, today, I’m going to talk about the promise in scripture that this judgement is not final for those who seek God. A Promise Psalm 125 is a special type of Psalm referred to as “Songs of Ascents”. The…
Jesus of Scripture
God’s Revelation There is a movement of false teachers within the church who try to turn the faith on its head with regards to scripture. Not only is it unnecessary, they claim, that a person accept the authority of scripture but, worse, it is actually idolatry to do so. In their argument, it is setting…
Trust, Don’t Test
Faith is Trust Throughout all of scripture, men and women are commended for their faith. Faith is not just the belief that God exists or even that he is powerful. It’s trusting that his intention for you is what is best for you. Confusion about the Old Testament sacrificial system may lead some to believe…