Priests Wanted Peace There were many motives involved in the wrongful conviction of Jesus. Throughout the whole process which leads to the execution of the only completely innocent man to ever be killed, we find that fear was driving everyone to kill him. What is it the priests feared? Many claim they feared only to…
Author: Jason
Generational Punishment
Iniquity of the Fathers While it may not be presented in the same language as what is found in God’s word, there is a lot of discussion today around the idea of generational guilt. There are those who believe this concept can be found in scripture. For instance, in a verse like this: The Lord passed before…
Humility in the Wilderness
Israel in the Desert God saved Israel out of slavery in Egypt. It would seem like being forced to slavery would be enough to humble a people, but whether it was them believing themselves trapped between the sea and Egypt or upset they haven’t had meat for a while they repeatedly express how they feel…
The Sacrifice of Birth
When we think of what Jesus sacrificed to redeem us to himself, we tend to picture the cross. While him offering himself on our behalf to conquer our sin once for all, this is far from the only sacrifice he made for us. He Had Everything To Lose Paul reminds us that what our Lord…
Confronting Reality
Cost of Wisdom Ecclesiastes is a book categorized as “Wisdom Literature”. These are books of the Bible that reveal the way of this world. Rather than tell us how things ought to be done, they record how things are done. It may seem contradictory, then, when the author of this book of wisdom records the…
Who Doesn’t Like Good News?
Preaching in Nazareth Luke 4 begins with the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness. Many important lessons can be learned from his experience in the wilderness but it can also distract people from what the rest of the chapter can teach us. Today, I’m going to be discussing the ministry of Christ, which began immediately…
He’s Not Hiding
Gnostic Foolishness From the early days of the church, they had to deal with Gnostic teachings infiltrating their congregations. The Gnostics taught that there was a hidden divine that people could discover only by finding secret meaning that nobody had yet discovered. They were seeking a personal, special experience with a god who must be…
Treating Symptoms
Not Enough to “Feel Better” Sometimes, treating symptoms is the best we can do. When we have a flu, we’re just going to have to wait for our God given immunity to eventually defeat it. It can help, however, to manage the fever, change our diet to deal with the stomach problems, etc… until that…
Testimony of Creation
Normally, my posts on this site are about topics that come to mind during my time in the scriptures. God, through his inspired Word, often reveals something to me that I am eager to share with anyone who will read it. However, this week a message was impressed upon me by a different source. Where…
God vs. Satan
Our View Human life is full of struggles. Since the fall, we have had to toil for food, shelter, clothing, etc… and have had no end of disasters (natural and from man) to train us in conflict. Even close friends and loved ones will argue about things over which they disagree. Because of this, we…